Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ireland, here I come!

Tomorrow, Wednesday Nov. 25th 2009, I'm moving to Dublin. I don't know how long I'll be there, but surely long enough to start a new blog devoted to my life in Ireland.

I'll keep my general blog Exploring life and my other country-specific blogs (which you can find on the side-bar), but this one will be my everyday kind of blog. If you eventually visit them all, you'll notice most of my blogs are on Wordpress --my very first one was on Blogger because I have always had confidence in Google's products. Unfortunately, after trying it at that time, I didn't think Blogger was all that good, so I switched. I'm happily giving Blogger another chance because my new job is precisely at Google --if the things I didn't used to like about it have improved I'll be stoked, and if they haven't, I will at least be able to help improve it : )

Since I will soon meet people from all over the globe, and most of my friends understand English anyway, this blog will be solely in English (my other blogs are multilingual -mostly in Catalan and English, but sometimes in Spanish too- and I think that makes them too restricted). I do reserve the right, though, to add a few lines in Catalan at the end of a post as a way of summary for my parents : )

Be well : )

dublin_sights (74)

1 comment:

  1. t'hauré de crear una carpeta apart amb tots blogs!!

    escolta, ara treballes a google oi? em pots confirmar si esteu fent un telèfon propi??

    és broma, et deuen haver fet firmar multitud de clàusules de privacitat.

    sort per Irlanda

    fins aviat

